
 时间:2024-10-14 04:36:30

在暑期黄金时间段中,考生可以根据自己的暑期雅思备考情况有针对行的进行备考,用最快的最有效的速度来达到提分的目的,一起来看一下在雅思考试听力部分,主要有哪些考题是相对来说失分率较高的。  雅思官方公布的2015年中国考生雅思听力平均分只有5.8分,也就是说总题量为40题的听力题我们平均只能答对21到22题,用国内的评分标准计算连及格线都没有达到,这个结果多少还是令人不甚满意的。

 一、迷惑型错题   迷惑型错误,换言之,即干扰。这种干扰一般分为数字干扰,否定干扰和特殊信息干扰。

1、 1.数字干扰  请看剑桥雅思9 test 3 section 1第6题:  原文解析  W: If you got a minute, could I just check a couple of points about insurance? I got one policy through the post but I'd like to see if yours is better.  M: Fine. What would you like to know?  W: Well, the one I've got had benefits and then the maximum amount you can claim. Is that like yours?  M: Yes, that's how most of them are.  W: Well, the first thing is cancellation. If the holiday's cancelled on the policy I've got, you can claim £8,000.  M: We can improve on that, Ms. Nash. For Greek Island holidays, our maximum is £10,000.  第6题大家都会预测填数字,再听到cancellation就会非常激动地写下后面的8,000, 而忽视了maximum这样的限定信息,而丢失了正确答案10,000。

2、否定干扰  这种高频错误多见于选择类题型中,选择题中的否定信息不像填空题中直接的否定转换,而往往比较隐藏,或者比较间接。  剑桥雅思7 test 2 section 4第32题:  32. Anita feels that the findings on handedness will be of value in  A. helping sportspeople identify their weakness  B. aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each people  C. developing suitable training programmes for sportspeople  原文解析  I think Matthews’s findings will be beneficial, not so much in helping sportspeople to work on their weaker side, but more that they can help them identify the most suitable strategies to use in a given game.  这题的答案应该是but之后的信息,也就是B,而很多同学都会选择A,也就是not之后的信息,主要的难点在于not的发音非常急促并且非常快。

3、 补朱锚卦3.特殊信息干扰  比如剑桥雅思9 test 1 section 3第21题:  21. One re锾攒揉敫ason why Spiros felt happy about his marketing presentation was that  A. he was not nervous  B. his style was good  C. the presentation was the best in his group  原文解析  S: I think that having to do a seminar presentation really helped me. For example, a couple of weeks ago in our marketing subject, when it was my turn to give presentation, I felt quite confident. Of course, I was still nervous but because I had done one before, I knew what to expect. Also, I know I was well prepared and I had practiced my timing. In fact, I think that in relation to some of the other people in my group, I did quite a good job because my overall style was quite professional.  很多同学会因为听到横线部分的信息而选择C选项,却不知雅思听力是不能够主观推测的,原文说是和组内人比起来好,但却没有说最好,所以C是错误选项,之后的because引导的才是正确答案。


1、“本末倒置”  2.“偷天换月”  3.“连体婴儿”


1、 请看以下的例子,剑桥雅思9 test 3 section 1第8:  原文解析  M: You can see there is another difference there. And what happens if you don't get on the plane?  W: Nothing, as far as I see on this form.  M: Don't you have missed the departure? 第8题  W: No, I'll just jot it down.  M: We pay up to £1,000 for that, depending on the reason. And we're particularly generous about loss of personal belongs-up to £3.000, but not more than £500 for a single item. 第9题  W: Then I'd better not take my laptop!  M: Not unless you insure it separately.


1、剑桥雅思4 test 4 section 4第38题  Sharks in Australia  38. Most sharks are caught in  A. spring  B. summer  C. winter  原文  most sharks are caught in the warmest months, from November to February….


1、 实力型错误是最后一种,其实也是最好改善的一种,那就是听到答案但该词汇不会拼写,或者不晓得该信息在选项中的同义转换是哪一项。解决方案自然也就是单词的记忆与识别。

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