
 时间:2024-10-13 02:09:16

1、说明书声明内容例:CROSS-REFERE鲍伊酷雪NCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONSThis application claims priorit烤恤鹇灭y benefits to X Patent Application No. 201530XXXXXXX.X, filed November XX, 2015, the contents of which areincorporated herein by reference.

2、「incorporated by reference」-是为求精简而将参考文献的内容整个引用作为本文的一部分。-上述所列的专利号码均系作为本案的参考数据。

3、在CROSS-REFERENCE 中提及incorporated herein by reference:中国外观申请一般以照片或效果图进行递交,而美国则以线条图+阴影线进行递交,两者不一致,因此在要求优先权的情况下,优先权的特征有可能在第一次递交美国申请时,未完全描述出来,写上incorporated herein by reference较为重要。

4、另外,中国外观设计有可能涉及那多项设计,但是在申请美国时,只使用到部分设计,因此引用优先权中的一部分,而并不是完全一样。因此写上incorporated herein by reference较为重要。

5、美国外观专利的CROSS-REFERENCE 交叉引用在某些情况下对后续答复审查意见是比较有利的,使得其优先权文件能够作为修改技术方案的依据,这个机制相当于增大了申请人原始公开的范围,而不仅仅是美国申请的范围。

6、参与内容如下:2163.07(b) Incorporation by Reference [R-11.2013]Instead of repeating some i荏鱿胫协nformation contained in another document, an application may attempt to incorporate the content of another document or part thereof by reference to the document in the text of the specification. The information incorporated is as much a part of the application as filed as if the text was repeated in the application, and should be treated as part of the text of the application as filed. Replacing the identified material incorporated by reference with the actual text is not new matter.

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