
 时间:2024-10-12 07:06:35

1、首先是3 properties of colorvalue明度: how light or dark(add white for a tint,add black for a shade) hue色相:placement on the color wheel/visual spectrumintensity(saturation or chroma)纯度:purity of the hue

2、其次通过光来分有两种颜色:direct color:light,such as computer screensreflected color:pigment,such as paint,clothing dye

3、colo筠续师诈r schemes 颜色设计Monochromatic单色 – Using tints and shades of a sin爿讥旌护gle hueAnalogous类似色 – Using only two or a few hues that are next to each other on the color wheelWarm Colors暖色 – Colors primarily analogous to red and yellowCool Colors冷色 – Colors primarily analogous to blueComplimentary Colors 对比色– Colors which are across from/opposite one another on the color wheelNeutral Colors 中性色– Black, white, grey, brown

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