
 时间:2024-10-26 13:00:22

1、《四季周庄》大型实景演出Large Live-action Performance -“Four Seasons in Zhouzhuang”简介:这是一部呈现江南原生态文化的水乡实景演出,以明初江南首富沈万三和陆丽娘优美的爱情故事为主线,从相识相恋,两人的爱情走过了春夏秋冬,最终结成连理。演出以“小桥、流水、人家”的唯美环境为背景、以写实艺术的舞美意境、美轮美奂的灯光设计、优美震撼的音乐效果、浪漫风趣的舞蹈展现、自然平常的情景表演,演绎周庄生活的美与爱,再现中国第一水乡周庄的文化特质和迷人情韵。演出分为“渔”、“耕”、“和”三个篇章。《渔歌》、《织网》、《渔灯》、《出航》展现周庄自然景象与渔作生活。《春天》《夏天》、《秋天》、《冬天》展现周庄的四季风情与农耕生活。《打田财》、《阿婆茶》、《婚庆》展现周庄生活的和美和谐。欣赏《四季周庄》,沈万三与陆丽娘将带您穿越千年,解读周庄非物质文化密码,品味江南似水柔情的诗画生活。DescriptionThis is live-action performance featuring the original culture of Jiangnan.It take the love story of Shen Wansan (richest man in the Jiangnan area in early Ming Dynasty) and LU Liniang as the main line, depicting their acquaintance, falling in love, ups and downs, and final marriage.The background of the show is artistic with bridges, water, and households. The beauty and love of Zhouzhuang life are reflected by realistic stage design, beautiful lighting design, touching music ,romantic and funny dancing, and natural acting in scenes. Cultural features and charm of Zhouzhuang (as China’s No.1 Water town)thus come to life.The performance is divided into three chapters: fishing, ploughing, happiness. Fisherman’s Song, Fishnet Weaving, Fish Lamp, and Sail Out depict the natural scenes and fishing works of Zhouzhuang. Hit the Land for Weath, Mrs. Tea, and Wedding Celebration depcict the harmony and beauty of Zhouzhuang life.Enjoy Four Seasons in Zhouzhuang, let Shen Wansan and Lu Linniang take you through a thousand years, interpret the code of Zhouzhuang’s intangible culture, and savor the poetic life of Jiangnan.演出时间4月1日-11月20日Show TimeApril 1th-Nov., 20th Yearly每晚19:00-20:00(夏季延迟半小时,节假日演出时间以当天公告为准)


2、古戏台实景昆曲2. Live-action Kun Opera on Ancient Stage简介昆曲被誉称为“百戏之祖”,俗称“水磨腔”,距今已有六百多年历史,为我国戏曲艺术之珍品。2001年5月18日被联合国教科组织命名为“人类口头和非物质遗产代表作”称号,是全人类宝贵的文化遗产。“游周庄,看昆曲”已成为了一种游玩周庄的新时尚。声声昆腔,丝丝入耳。演出的曲目包括了《牡丹亭》、《游园惊梦》、《长生殿》、《白兔记》、《窦娥冤》、《孽海记》、《浣纱记》、《寻亲记》、《双珠记》、《公孙子都》等。DescriptionKun Opera, commonly known as “Shuimo Tune”, is honored as “the Father of Hundred Operas” and becomes the art treasure trove of operas in China. It was named as the world's intangible cultural heritage list via Education and Science Organization of the United Nations On May 18, 2001. The Kun Opera is the precious cultural heritage of all mankind.“Travelling in Zhouzhuang, Seeing Kun Opera” has become a new fashion of the tour in Zhouzhuang.表演时间(周一至周日,除周四)情景表演9:50—10:30 正式表演10:45—11:30情景表演12:50—13:45 正式表演13:45—14:30 正式表演14:45—15:30Show Time (from Monday to Sunday, except for Thursday)Scene Performance: 9.50-10:30 Formal Performance: 10:45-11.30

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