
 时间:2024-10-16 21:03:11

1、表示“大约”、“不确定”的翻译策略 在英语中,一般常使用about, some, around, round, nearly, towards, somewhere about, estimated, approximately, in/of/on the border of, close to等词修饰数字,表示“不确定”、“大约”、“上下”、“将近”、“几 乎”等。 It is nearly (or towards) 4 o’clock. 现在已是将近4点了。 According to the weatherman, the temperature will be up 5℃ or so. 据天气预报,气温将升高5℃左右。 The price of this new machine is in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars. 这台新机器的价格约1,000美元。

2、(二)表示“高于”、“多于”的翻译方法 英语常用more than, odd, over, above, long, past, or more, upwards of , higher than, exceed, in excess of 等词修饰数字,表示“超过”、“以上”、“有余”、“高于”、“多于”等。 It took me more than two hours to finish the homework. 我花了两个多小时才做完家庭作业。 The weight of this child is said to be over one hundred pounds. 据说,这个孩子的体重有100多磅。

3、表示“少于”、“差一些”、“不到”等的翻译方法 英语常用less, less than, below, no more than, under, short of , off, to, within, as few as 等词修饰数字,表示“少于”、“不到”、“以下”等。 The price of that tricycle is less than one hundred and eighty-five francs. 那辆三轮车的人售价还不到185法郎。

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