
 时间:2024-10-12 10:21:59

1、愤怒的小鸟中你最喜欢哪只鸟?来,我们来看下这六只鸟儿的战斗力排行榜吧:  战斗力从低到高依次为:  小绿鸟儿:  If this was a bird in real life, I'd stir-fry it all the way back to the endangered list.  这鸟儿要是真的,我就炸了她吃,直到这货成为频危物种。  On par with throwing a frisbee into a category 5 tornado and hoping your dog will catch it.  这只鸟儿的战斗力啊……就相当于将一个飞盘扔到五级龙卷风里,然后指望你的狗把飞盘捡回来。  This bird is a piece of shit.  这鸟儿整个就一傻[哔——]


2、  小白鸟儿:  Exciting at first until you realize that the bombs he drops do less damage than piss-filled water balloons.  一开始觉得它挺牛X,不过后来发现他的战斗力还不如一个装满尿的水球。  小红鸟儿:  Fun bird to use if you enjoy throwing ping pong balls at a navy destroyer.  如果你喜欢往驱逐舰上扔乒乓球,你就玩小红鸟儿吧。  Although the giant version of this bird is excellent, he is like an obese wrecking ball.

3、  虽然它的超大版本看上去不错,但怎么看怎么像一个过度肥胖的落锤式破碎机。  小蓝鸟儿:  Crappy bird that explodes into three smaller crappier birds.  挺纠结的小鸟,一爆炸还爆炸成三只更小更纠结的小鸟。  小黄鸟儿:  Can break through stuff.  有冲破阻碍的能力。

4、  Makes you feel like you are actually being strategic instead of just flinging birds until you pass the level.  让你觉得自己还是很有战斗策略的,而不是只傻傻地一直扔鸟。  小黑鸟儿:  Blows up half the level.  扔一个,砸掉一半关卡。  Like hunting bunny rabbits using a hydrogen bomb.

5、  有杀鸡用牛刀的感觉。  Most satisfying bird ever.  有史以来最让人满意的小鸟。

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