Couldn't contact the Remote TestNG client.

 时间:2024-10-14 04:04:19

1、开发webservice项目,使用eclipse的TestNG自测,发现报错儿: Couldn't contact the Remote TestNG client. Uncheck the 'Use Project testng.jar' option from your Project properties and try again.如图。

Couldn't contact the Remote TestNG client.

2、控制台输出如下:Unknown option: 颍骈城茇-serportUsage:[-d output-directory] default output directory to : test-output[-testclass list of .class files or list of class names][-sourcedir a source directory][-annotations javadoc or JDK] Specifies the default annotation type to be used in suites when none is explicitly specified. This version of TestNG (15) supports both "javadoc" and "JDK" annotation types.[-groups comma-separated list of group names to be run] works only with -testclass[-excludegroups comma-separated list of group names to be excluded] works only with -testclass[-testrunfactory list of .class files or list of class names implementing org.testng.ITestRunnerFactory][-listener list of .class files or list of class names implementing org.testng.ITestListener and/or org.testng.ISuiteListener][-parallel methods|tests] run tests in parallel using the specified mode[-threadcount number of threads to use when running tests in parallel][-suitename name] Default name of test suite, if not specified in suite definition file or source code[-testname Name] Default name of test, if not specified in suite definition file or source code[-reporter Extended configuration for custom report listener][suite definition files*]For details please consult documentation.


Couldn't contact the Remote TestNG client.


Couldn't contact the Remote TestNG client.

5、点击左方TestNG, 看到Use Project TestNG jar 前方那个对勾了吗? 恩,去掉就可以了,点击应用,OK。

Couldn't contact the Remote TestNG client.

6、再次testNG 测试用例,OK 可以正常跑通了。

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