the secret to用法

 时间:2024-10-12 11:39:38

1、例句:1、He look衡痕贤伎s like a man who's found the secret to eternal youth.他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀人。2、The secret to avoiding this kind of problem is careful pre-planning of your meeting.避免这类问题的秘密是细心地做好计划。3、The secret to becoming a loving, nurturing being is just as simple as that.秘密就是成为一种爱,培养人,就是那么简单。4、The secret to preventing and predicting obesity has been revealed by a team ofMelbourne researchers, who believe stress and how we respond to it is the key factor to managing our weight.一只来自墨尔本的研究团队找到了预测和预防肥胖的秘密。他们相信,控制体重的关键因素是我们感受到的压力和我们对压力的应对之道。5、This is the secret to achieving consistent success as a trader.这是成为持续一致的成功交易者的秘诀

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