ANSYS打开: could not connect to any license

 时间:2024-10-11 22:53:04

1、安装好ANSYS后打开提示:Could not connect to any license server.The server is down or is not responsive.ANSYSLI_SERVERS: 2325@2325@ldc-pcFLEXlm Servers: 1055@ldc-pc

ANSYS打开: could not connect to any license


3、二是许可证--ServerANSLIC_ADMINUtility中左下角框中显示client。修改方法如下:1.重新运行安装文件MAGNi皈其拄攥TUDE文件夹中的ap121_calc生成license。 2.运行开始--程序--ANSYS,Inc.LicenseManager----ServerANSLIC_ADMINUtility。点击runthelicensewizard点击continue直到选择刚才生成的license。最终结果如下图

ANSYS打开: could not connect to any license
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